On Intelligent, Well-Read Submissives.
I love intelligent girls. Absolutely adore them. And I find those who are passionate about reading and writing share a common thread. They all yearn for an equally intelligent Dominant who can reach deep into their erotic “centers”, rip the pages from their fantasies, and give them a lifetime of living, breathing memories.
An intelligent submissive appreciates the beauty of the dance on the fringe. She is a strong, independent, talented, capable woman in her own right, yet she hungers for a Dominant who can fuck her mind long before he touches her body. She needs a man who can respect her as an intellectual equal but effortlessly assume his role as Dominant – the only man she would ever consider yielding to. For her, this need is utterly palpable. She can feel his hands through his words, his voice, and his instruction.
And herein is my secret insight. Intelligent, gifted submissives are the naughtiest, sluttiest, hungriest girls imaginable. They are capable of giving themselves completely up to the man they trust and respect, and going places they themselves do not yet know they are capable of going. They are insatiable once leashed (note the irony). And they hunger to experience whatever their man challenges them with and sate him with the gift of their bodies and their talents.
For the man who can appreciate my words – I promise you – the dance on the fringe can be a most inspiring journey of sensual delights with a smart, talented girl.
Caption © Fringe of Darkness, 2012
(via bestowmysubmissiveheart)
If it is you, memento audere semper
(via atlasphaidon)
This is so beyond perfect.
(via danipup)
It is not the girl who can’t make it on her own that is desirable to me (and no judgment on those who want that!). It’s the woman who is strong and smart in her own right and *chooses* to submit to me that makes all the difference.
(via youllremainmyhumbleservant)
God yes, this. Helplessness and dependency are fun in roleplay, but for a partner I want someone who can be, well, a partner.