





When she’d seen the new game in the store, she’d been intrigued. “A game that will challenge your very identity,” the blurb had said. “How deep dare YOU go?” That was it. Never one to back down easily, she downloaded a copy and started playing.

That was only three days ago. She’s barely moved since.

Now she knows exactly how strong her identity was … but that was all-but-erased by the end of the first day of watching and listening. The soft voice tells her who or what she now is. She believes whatever the soft voice tells her.

The soft voice tells her to sleep. She sleeps, obeying without thought. The soft voice tells her that blank is best. All she wants is to become totally blank.

She’s too deep now to stop. To worry. To care. To have any thoughts or desires of her own ever again.

Blank is best.

Where can I get a copy? 

at gamestop, of course.

no gamestop in UK afaik – email me the .iso? 😛

Try ThoughtStop instead. Power to the dommys~ ♥

Hmm, not sure where my local store is…