
Claire’s parents thought it was so nice
the way her new boyfriend had offered to help tutor her in those few
(well, more than a few; not the brightest girl, Claire) subjects she
was having trouble with. Of course, they didn’t actually know what
his style of tutoring involved. If they did, they might not have been
so happy.

Not that Claire saw anything wrong with
it. He told her this was important stuff, stuff that would make her a
better, more rounded, more complete individual. He was so smart too,
he probably knew what was best, and it was, like, super fun. She was
a bit confused when she started forgetting the rare bits she’d
actually managed to already learn, but he told her that was nothing
to worry about. He told her not to worry a lot, and soon she was a
lot happier.

Claire’s academic performance quickly
hit a level where the school would soon have to step in and possibly
boot her out. Her parents were shocked, but Claire herself didn’t
mind much. She’d never had so many super-nice friends before. They
all helped tutor her as well, and her boyfriend said he had the
perfect job lined up for her when she finally was allowed to leave
school. Apparently, people would pay her money to tutor her! And he’d
look after all of it for her. She could hardly wait.