Part 2 of @deeperinmypower​‘s birthday present.

Louise was scared, but determined. She could feel Paul on her heels, but if she was smart she might still be able to get away from him, and get the others away too.

She knew the next woman on his list was Karen. She had to warn her, so they could protect each other!

Karen listened with concern and pity to Louise’s story. She’d always had a bit of an interest in hypnosis; maybe Paul was doing something like that? Regardless, she realized Louise needed help.

After calming the half-hysterical woman, Karen went to the next room to make a phone call. The police would help protect Louise from her stalker, abusive ex-boyfriend, whatever Paul was, and medics might help her deal with the obvious stress and fear she was suffering.

Karen nodded to herself. This was the kind thing to do, the thing a friend would do to help a friend. Poor thing, she thought. It’ll all be okay now.

But she returned to find her kitchen empty, the mug of tea she’d made Louise abandoned half-drunk on the table. Damn, she must have overheard the call! How frightened must she be to run from the people whose job is helping her?

Karen realized she was starting to get worried herself. If Louise was that afraid, maybe there really was something to be afraid of.

She jumped when there was a knock at the door, then laughed ruefully at herself. It must be the police, of course, or the medics. She opened the door–

“Hi, I’m Paul,” said the man at the door, who was very much not wearing a uniform. “You’re not surprised or bothered that I’m here.” And of course she wasn’t, since Louise had said he was coming, hadn’t she?

“You want to cancel that emergency call, tell them that Louise ran. And then you want to give me a show.”

And of course she did. That just made sense.

Later, when she was down to just her underwear, Master–he’d explained he was her Master now, and it was so obvious she didn’t understand how she hadn’t realized it the moment they met–pulled out his cock and told Karen she’d never wanted one more.

“In fact,” Paul said, “what you want more than anything else is to worship it.”

As she knelt, the small part of Karen’s brain that wasn’t overwhelmed by awe and delight at the glory of her Master’s cock reflected that she still felt very badly for Louise. The poor thing had no idea what she was missing.