Part 6 of @deeperinmypower​‘s birthday present.

Louise leaned forward. “Thank you for seeing me,” she said urgently.

Poppy smiled. “Are you kidding? You’re easily famous enough to give my blog a massive boost, of course I’m going to talk to you!”

Louise sighed. “I’m sorry, but you can’t blog about this. Listen, we’re both being chased by a man. He’s very dangerous, and always right on my heels.”

“What!?” blurted Poppy.

“Stay calm,” Louise said. “If we’re lucky, we’ll be okay, but if he reaches either one of us… well, let’s just say that none of the other women he’s gone for were the same afterwards.”

Poppy gulped.

“Here,” said Louise. “It’s a burner phone. I suggest you stop using yours. I’ve got a possible hiding spot in mind. I’ll call you on that phone as soon as I’m sure it’s safe. And here’s the number to a phone of mine, use that if you’re in trouble.”

Louise left after giving Poppy a few more warnings, and Poppy stared at the cheap phone. Not long after Louise left, it rang.

“Hello?” she asked. “Louise?”

“No,” said a man’s voice. “You want to call me on your regular phone.”

She realized right away that it had to be the man Louise was running from. He really was dangerous if he could get the numebr to this phone! But she had to learn more, and it wasn’t like he could do anything to her over a phone line.

It turned out, once she talked to him, that she really wanted to send him a selfie of her sexiest dress.

She sent that gladly, but then he mentioned that she wanted to send him a selfie of her outfit which showed the most cleavage.

And then he wanted, which meant she wanted, a selfie of her in her best bikini.

After that he was finally satisfied enough to tell her where to come see him. Her selfie game was always on point, and finally it was good enough to earn her the right to serve Master!