
It was a simple device really. What some people call a ‘glamour’. It’s very hard to spot, but once you know it’s there – and if you’re the intended target, it’s almost impossible to tear yourself away from it.

It’s like it…speaks to you. Both figuratively and literally. A tiny, still voice, calmly explaining what’s happening to you, what you’ll be doing from this point onwards, how you’ll be thinking. 

Your visual cortex is trying to make sense of what’s happening, and any objections your brain could have mustered are simply…bypassed. The instructions take root, deep inside your subconscious, and there’s very little you can do to stop it. Especially when one of the first things you’re told is how normal this is, how everything is fine, and how pleasant it would be just to let yourself continue to watch, and listen and….obey.

The changes are subtle, to be honest with you. There’s not much change to your personality, or your world view, at least, not in this particular case. A few tweaks to smooth out your harder edges, an urge to show off more of your body, and generally increase your libido. Oh, and an undying need to submit to a certain special someone, becoming the best possible girlfriend, concubine, and harem recruiter, that you could possibly be.

And then, just like that, it’s done. The glamour floats away, you shake your head, coming back down to earth, and you look at me with a twinkle in your eye, and that tiny, still voice, deep in your head, guiding you to take my hand, lead me to your apartment, into your bedroom, on to your bed, and surrender yourself to me, completely.

The beautiful, bubbly Ellie Kemper.