

SwanSwanHummingbird scours the earth for women who have that “shine” that you know you love. I have 50+ updates a day of the most attractive women in the world. Join the happy throngs and follow SSH.

Kylie fell back on to the bed. A small voice in her head told her this was wrong, that she should be resisting, but that voice was just silly, and annoying, and why would Kylie want to listen to it anyway? Ignore it, she thought, and concentrate on feeling good. Concentrate on that pendant, that magical pendant, swinging before her eyes, before her prone body, with all its’ bright green and blue shiny hues. It was captivating, mesmerising, overwhelming. Kylie managed to turn her eyes away from it for just a second, to feast for a moment on the image of the one holding the pendant. He was…simply magnificent, awe-inspiring, commanding and dominating. She was just his plaything, his puppet on the string that the pendant represented. She burned for him. She longed to be allowed to forget everything, her old life, her job, her family, even her name. She was slave, and she was His, and that was all. He lowered the pendant, and tossed it aside, moving in for the kiss. Her body responded in kind, swaying and bucking as she opened everything for him to fill. Slave obeyed perfectly.