Cassandra cursed herself in her mind as she sat in the movie theatre waiting for the show to start. Why did she ever agree to this? This blind date with Dave was going terribly. She couldn’t understand why her girlfriends would set her up with this guy. He seemed like a total loser.
The date had started off well enough. Dave picked her up at her house which, she had to admit, was a cute gesture. Unfortunately, things started going downhill right away. Dave’s first words when she opened the door were, “A redhead? Bonus”. To make matters worse, he made inappropriate comments and laughed at his own jokes. The sixteen minute drive to the movie theatre felt like an eternity. Cassandra couldn’t wait for this date to be over.
At least he paid for the movie and the popcorn, she thought as the theatre darkened and the previews began. And I won’t have to talk to him during the movie.
They agreed to go see some romantic comedy; typical first date stuff. Cassandra wasn’t expecting an instant classic. She was more excited about the theatre’s popcorn. It was especially good this time. Must of have been a fresh batch. At least some parts of the night weren’t a complete disaster. The movie even seemed pretty decent so far. Cassandra was beginning to hold out hope that maybe the night could be salvaged.
Then, about halfway through the movie, that hope was shattered. Dave tried the old “yawn and put your arm around the girl” trick. Oh, you’ve got to be kidding, Cassandra couldn’t believe it. What is his problem!? She hadn’t had a guy try that since high school.
She wanted to move to get his arm off of her. She could say she had to go to the washroom or something. Instead, she shifted a bit closer to him. What the hell are you doing, Cass? She noticed him smile out of the corner of her eye. Oh well, I guess I can let him have his moment in the sun. She continued to snack on the popcorn and tried to enjoy the movie.
About 20 minutes later, Cassandra started to feel a little strange. She thought that maybe she ate too fast. She had a headache and felt kind of nauseous. I…I don’t feel so great. She felt really distracted and wasn’t even sure what was going on in the movie anymore.
The credits rolled on the screen and Cassandra had completely spaced out. Dave asked her what she thought of the movie and she couldn’t seem to formulate an answer.
“I…I…don’t know?” was all she could manage.
“I think you liked it,” Dave told her
“I liked it!” Cassandra confirmed.
“And you like being told what you think, don’t you?”
Cassandra was puzzled. That didn’t sound right but she couldn’t figure out why. He was right; thinking was hard for a girl like her. Maybe Dave could help.
“I like being told what to think,” the words made so much sense as she said them.
“And you love that I drugged your popcorn and that you’re going to be a dumb bimbo.“
His words were like gospel. Cassandra loved that he drugged her and she couldn’t be happier that she was going to be a bimbo.
“I love that you drugged me and I get to be a dumb bimbo.”
“Good girl. You’re going to come back to my house now. We can finish telling you what to think there.”
Good girl. The words echoed in Cassandra’s mind. They made her knees weak. She wanted to be a good girl for Dave. She let him take her home. She was going to be a good girl.
Dave told Cassandra all sorts of super helpful things. He told her that Cassi was a much sexier name for a dumb bimbo like her. Cassi couldn’t agree more. Dave also told her that fake is sexy; so Cassi dyed her bright red and let Dave buy her big fake boobies.
Cassi was so happy that Dave was there to tell her all these things. She loved being his dumb, super fake bimbo. Thank goodness she went on that date!