Batman: Downpour City
Oh dear
Diablo III: Reaper of Xenoblade Chronicles X
Borderlands 2: Happy Vault Designer
Youkai watch: war of the monsters.
EarthBound: Bayonetta 2
Minecraft: Slime rancher
I’m such a pansy XD
Bioshock Infinite: Unravel
Persona and the Pirate’s Curse
Super Smash Bros: Paper Jam
Super Smash Bros: Uprising
Legend of Splatoon: Twilight Princess
Splatoon Chronicles X
The wonderful Fire Emblem Awakening
Devil May Kart.
Long Live The Gangsters In Love
Civilization Shelter V
Fire Emblem: Division
Dishonored: Devil May Cry
Pokemon Mystery Dungeons: Explorers of Fallout
Hotline Kirby: Super Miami Ultra
Call of Kirby: Triple Ops Deluxe 2
Undertale: Minecraft
Animal Crossing: Super Mystery Dungeon
Fallout Emblem Fates 3
Devil Gear Rising
Super Smash Bros Wii U and Elsword?
Splatoon Hunter 4
Mario Kart Origins
Kirby Rhythmbot Megamix
Final Warcraft X-2
Monster Hunter Generations GO
*chased by Rathalos through city streets*Monster souls! Oh CRAP
Don’t Starve Go
Animal Crossing: X
pokemon: soul x
( Pokemon: pokemon )
Still PirateWizard101
Mothermon 3X
Pokemon GOkart 8
Hyrule Go
Megaman 9X? I just played Megaman X and Megaman 9 back to back, the fuck am I supposed to do with this shit? This is just another Megaman game, they all play the same!
Mass Effect: Enter the Gungeon
Final Fantasy XIV: Fallout Reborn
Sid Meier’s Civilization Go!
Slitherio Go!
Real snakes. Grab em.
The Sims Creed
Skywatch or Overrim.
Monster Ocean: Integrity & generations
Tony Hawk"s Bioshock: Underground Pro
Dark Souls II: Shadow Of Mordor.
Not really that weird.
The one before that would be Wordtris-Hook, though. One assumes that Peter Pan and Hook must express their feelings through the words they make in Wordtris.
Fire Kart: Awakening