
It was always a hazard, I guess. Not brainwashing the cheerleading team to serve as my obedient household staff, no, that bit was easy. All that took was some persuasion, both of them and everyone they knew.

No, the risk came when, every so often, one of them would spend a little too long gazing into a mirror. Trying to figure out what they were doing here, what their previous life had been, why, given the fact that before all this, they’d never even have given me the time of day, they were so hopelessly in love with me that they’d happily serve forever more.

When it happens, though, I just call up a few of the other slave-girls, get them to surround sweet Cheryl here, and gently coax her back into her unthinking, unquestioning persona once more. The stimulation they provide, despite never previously identifying as bisexual, is rather overwhelming. Fun to watch, too.

A submission by the ever excellent fishalivecaps – I hope I did it justice.