

Billie Piper

“Right then, we’re done here, yeah? You’ve had your hour, you’ve taken plenty of photos. I’m sure at least one of them must be good enough to make it onto the front cover of….which magazine did you say you worked for again? Never mind, anyway, I really must get going.

“One more shot? No, I’m sorry, I’m going to be late for my next appointment – busy schedule and all that. Perhaps another time.

"Look, I told you, mister. I can’t-ohhhh…..oh, gosh, that..light….it’s…amazing! Wh-what’s…happening…?

"Clear my schedule….yes….I…I’ve got…nowhere else to be…today….yesss…Pose..for whatever pictures….you want….do…as I’m told…yesss…anything….for you… Lord…."