

“Oh, no, we didn’t order any ice cream,” Jenna said as the waitress came up to us. There must have been a shift change or something, because I could have sworn that this waitress wasn’t here when we sat down.

“Actually, that man over there sent you this,” she tinkled. Jenna rolled her eyes. Me, on the other hand, I was completely okay with someone sending us ice cream.  If this was going to be our cheat day for our new diets, we might as well cheat all the way and not pussyfoot around.

“We’ll take ‘em,” I said, “Tell him thanks for these!” The waitress giggled and flounced away, leaving me to deal with an annoyed Jenna. I don’t really know why she always got so angry with guys trying to flirt with her. C’mon, sending over a couple of milkshakes at a diner? That was cute.

“You’re not seriously going to drink that, are you?” Jenna said.

“C’mon, Jenna, this isn’t a skeevy bar or anything. Its a milkshake,” I said, taking a sip. “Holy shit, this is good.” I don’t even know how to describe it. It was just a really good milkshake. Sweet and chocolately, just the right consistency.  The sip turned into a few gulps.

“Whoa, slow down there,” my friend said, “Let me get a taste.”

Was it weird that I was more than just a little angry when she grabbed it away from me? She didn’t even want it a second ago.  “Omigawd, is there more?” she said after a few long sucks on the straw.

“Did you finish it? You whore!” I said. I don’t even know where that came from.  It seemed weird to come up unprompted like that, like really weird.  I giggled. 

Luckily, Jenna must have thought it was funny (which… wasn’t that not like her?) because she totally started giggling too.  Our super-cute and scrumptious waitress giggled just a little too. She wasn’t even doing anything, just staring off into space.  That made me giggle.

My shirt started to feel a little tight… Was Jenna’s hair starting to get lighter?

I do love a good milkshake.