id just like to say very quickly that your blog is one of my favorites because of the amount of respect you show. especially in your AMA. im very Very relieved to see that you always have consent on your mind when approaching real life scenarios. im afraid ive seen far too many MC and bimboification blogs that seem to believe nonconsensual MC should happen in real life. love the blog.



Thank you!

I’m going to go into a small rant here if you’ll be so kind as to indulge me for a wee moment…

To address something here, when the (fantasy) MC element is used in my stories, I’m effectively giving the dom carte blanche to do what they want with their slave, because the sub is supposed to be, for literary and ethical purposes, a hollowed-out shell of a human. That may not be terribly obvious to most people, but this indeed highlights my failings as an author than yours as the dear reader.

In the real world where mind control does not/should not exist, it would be incredibly wrong/bizarre to treat anyone that way 24×7 and for either party to not want to come up for air, cuddles and TLC. I’m not saying that it would never happen, but it’s likely incredibly rare that both parties would want that. I wouldn’t.

If you’re in a consensual D/s relationship and you don’t take time out to do ‘normal’ couple things like the aforementioned cuddles, spoon, watch Netflix/Prime and eat ice cream with each other, you have to ask yourself whether or not you’re actually in an abusive relationship.

As for some people who believe that hypnosis and/or drugs should be used to enforce this kind of relationship upon someone who is not consenting, well, that’s pretty bloody pathetic, and illegal.

re-blogging because I feel this is a valuable reminder.  ^^^