

VR-Tech claimed their latest immersion suit was state of the art. The experimental neural interface was supposed to be unhackable. That’s what they said.

They were lying.

Sabrina want sure about the tight fitting VR suit, but it was a present and curiosity won out. She had to strip to put the suit on and it clung to her like a second skin. She gasped as the suit ran through its startup sequence and the thousands of tactile receptors caressed her body.

She knew something was wrong the moment she opened her eyes. Instead of the colorful Favreau land she had selected, Sabrina find herself in a strange bedroom. Cursing she triggered the eject, but nothing happen. She tried again, panic growing.

And then she felt it. The suit caressing her body, tiny fingers vibrating and teasing her breasts and crotch. Despite herself she felt her body react, nipples hardening, her sex growing damp as it craved more sensation.

A whimper slipped from between her lips. She couldn’t move at all now and the sensations were getting stronger and stronger. Soon she was going to…

The orgasm swept through her immobilized body leaving her panting and exhausted. But the sensations didn’t stop.

Again and again orgasm ravaged her helpless body.

And then the voice started. It was a whisper at first. A promise of relief and release.

All she had to do was give in and obey.

Relax. Sink. Obey.

Sabrina sobbed as the sensations built again.

Relax. Sink. Obey.

Her mind almost lost to the overwhelming pleasure, she gave in.

Relax. Sink. Obey.
