
Hottest Cosplayer features the hottest cosplayers from around the world! Submit your photos to be featured! Submit as many photos as you want!

(Continued from this post!)

To say I was pleased when I saw the pictures would be an understatement. It’d been weeks since I started selling the contacts, and this was the first time I’d gotten a picture from a viable candidate. I replied with a thank-you email that contained, embedded within my company’s logo, a specific pattern I’d prepared when I first started.

When Megan received the thank-you e-mail, she was still wearing the cosplay. It had only been a few minutes, after all, and she liked wearing it. It felt sexy, and feeling sexy felt good.

She as entirely unaware of the tiny computer chips hidden in her contacts, the subtle spirals, the flickering messages, too small and fast for her conscious mind to detect, that were training her subconscious to relax and obey.

As soon as she saw the logo, the chips registered the pattern and changed the subliminals they displayed. It worked on the same principle as a QR code, though it was different enough in implementation to ensure the contacts wouldn’t actually try to interpret QR codes as commands.

Megan found herself wanting to see my other cosplay products. In person, not just online. She sent me an email asking what conventions I would be selling at in the near future, and sent me her own con itinerary for the next few months.

It was too late to get a dealer’s table at the next con she was attending, but I could get one at the con after that. I just needed to make sure she was properly prepared–so my reply email telling her I’d be there activated subliminals that encouraged her to be certain to go, and to wear her sexy Yoko cosplay–with the contacts she’d bought from me, of course!–to visit my booth…

(To be continued!)