
Jenny crept down the hall, straining to hear The Voice that had begun whispering in her ear as she was getting ready for bed.  No matter how close got, it remained a whisper… a tease… she could only hear a few isolated words… “relax”… “come to me”… “obey”… it wasn’t the words that drew her, she told herself, but the need to know who was speaking them.  It was like the voice was inside her head.  How was this possible?  Who could do something like that?  Who could make her… make her…

“…do as you are told…”

“Yes, Master,” Jenny whispered, then stopped with a tiny gasp.  What had she said?

“Come to me, my pretty little girl… you must do as you are told…”

The Voice was getting clearer now, while Jenny’s thoughts were getting so fuzzy… one foot in front of the other… where was she going?

“Don’t even think about what’s happening to you… just come… just obey…”

“Yes, Master…”