
“You’ll never defeat me! I know all your tricks, villain! I… whuh… I have studied… you. Thats right… uhnnn. Ha… hands up… ke… keep them… huuuhn…. up… whu… whutss… gggg… happeennninnngg… nooo my cooossttummmeee… sooo sssexxxyyy… buh… guh… bbbeeauutifuuull cooockkk… whhhyy… hooow aaare yoouu dooing thhiiisss to meeee? Nooo, pleeeassseee! Doon’t maaaake mee wear thaaat… nooo, nooot the bed… whuh! Huhnnn! AHN! AAAH! OH, GODDDD! uhhhhhnnn… sooo good… cumming again!!! Pleeeeasssee… let meeee goooo… can’t dooo thiiis to meeee… GUH!!! Suchh a prettttyy cooock! *glk gurgle glllk* haaah! Haaah!! Cannnt breaaathee liiikee thaaat! No… pleaaase… nooo mooore… *gluck, guk glllmnnn* *gasp* *pant pant pant* neeeed mooorreee of Maasteeerrr… pleeeaseee, fuuuck meeee…”

Slow surrender. Heroines talk too much.