










So like last week I was kinda dealing with like burn out and I had like no energy or motivation to train so I like took time to treat myself and stuff and then when I started listening to the conditioning files again my mouth was like a speaker or something! Like I would hit play and the words were coming out of my mouth and like it took no effort at all it just happened! And that made me feel really really great because like I’m really turning into a brainless bimbo!

Please love yourself; you don’t need this. I’m open to chat but you are a strong woman, just like we all are.

Being a bimbo doesn’t make me less of a strong woman. Isn’t feminism about letting women chose what they do with themselves anyways? Don’t rain on someone’s parade just because you don’t agree with it.

Isn’t the point of this to become weak, subservient to man? Yes, feminism is about choice, but the fact that “conditioning files” exist scares me, and doesn’t make it seem like there’s that much choice involved.

The files are part of a kink. I chose to listen to them, I chose to let them make a difference, if I don’t want them to interfere with my life they don’t. I choose who to be submissive to, and if I don’t want to submit to them I say no. Talk to pretty much anyone in the community and they’ll say the same thing.

Strong women, smart women, accomplished women are over-represented in the bimbo community for precisely the same reason they are thus in the submissive community – because they are those things, and sometimes want the freedom to be weak, to be cared for. It is not a bad thing to want that, to choose that, because it is their authentic choice.

I understand why people like to be submissive sexually. Though I’d hardly call a lot of this being cared for.

My point was that my guess is several of the men on this community (definitely one, presumably more) are predatory and seem like genuine misogynists. One also follows a bunch of Nazi blogs, so there’s that too.

You’re absolutely right there are bad people out there. We speak out against them and identify them to the extent that we can. We also do what we can to educate people about being better, and the right ways to approach D/s or hypnokink or bimbofication or whatever. 

There are also lots of people for whom objectification, degradation, humiliation and even misogyny is itself a kink, and so adopting the language or mannerisms of misogynists can be a part of their play. I know it can be hard to grasp from the outside, and I have a hard time grasping it myself sometimes (in a “how can someone want that?” kind of way), but if all parties are consenting and informed about their play, and they keep it restricted in an SSC manner then… *shrugs* I dunno. I’ve looked into this and asked people involved in that kind of play to explain, and it’s really a mix. 

If there are people you’ve found who you think are genuinely messed up individuals (neo-Nazi bigot hatemongers, for instance) then by all means call them out. Just, be careful and do your due diligence with folks in this kink community before assuming things about them just based on their sexual preferences, because it might not mean what it at first seems to mean. 

I wouldn’t really say I’m from the outside. Or rather, I suppose I am, but wasn’t always. Not the bimbofication, but everything else you mentioned. I got out of it because I really sat down and examined it. I think now that my being submissive was a form of self harm, and result of abuse. I asked myself why my ex was aroused through hurting me and guess I didn’t like to think about it.

To be honest, I guess I’m too scared to? I don’t really want to get too involved. But it was yournaturalstate if you’re interested. I don’t know if his following is public still and I don’t care to check, but there was lots of Nazism and white supremacy.

To be honest, when I first saw this post, I didnt realise it was a kink. It’s really a comfort to me that it is, and though I disagree with it, I would never have reblogged it, so I apologise for that.

Thank you for being so nice about this!

I can understand all of that regarding your history with BDSM, and I’ll give the rest a look-see. I think drawing the line between fantasy, kink, and real life is important, and maintaining that line is a critical part of the kink community staying healthy and not abusive. 

Can confirm what they said about yournaturalstate–blocked him a while back for exactly this reason.