
Agent Lewis was sent in undercover to gather intel on a shadowy organization that was suddenly gaining power in governments all over the world.  It was feared that this organization would soon be expanding into larger, richer countries.  Within two days she was made.  She was taken to a re-education center where she would undergo deep, heavy reconditioning, reprogramming, and brainwashing.

After seven full days of being force fed new opinions, new truths, new purpose, she reported to her Masters.  She presented herself accordingly for one of her status and spent several hours answering questions and providing information that would not only destroy the agency she worked for, but topple the United States Government and place it under new leadership.

She could barely hide the slight smile she gave as she betrayed her country to a new ideal.  After all, soon, hundreds of millions of people would be made just as obedient to the Masters as she is.

And she was proud to serve.