

Man Builds Custom-Made Monopoly Board to Propose to His Girlfriend

That man has a lot of guts, assuming anyone will still love him halfway through a game of Monopoly.


Why would you use the worst boardgame ever devised by human science to propose?

We are talking about a game originally created to make the players suffer. Seriously–the whole point of it is that capitalism sucks, and whoever gets an early advantage by pure chance will gradually grind everyone else down into poverty. That’s why you can buy your way out of jail early. That’s why you can mortgage properties to stay in the game a little longer, and why it’s almost impossible to get back out of that hole once you’re in. That’s why it’s obvious who’s going to win hours before the fucking game finally finishes.

Is that what you want your marriage to be? A grinding slog through misery, desperately trying to accumulate cash while you slowly drown in debt? Because I mean, obviously, that’s what it’s going to be, that’s what life is in the early 21st century, but is reminding your loved one of that really the best way to propose?