I am so not in the mood
FUCKING GET CONSENT ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYSI will say he did apologize but that doesnt excuse the behavior
The fuck is with people lately?
lol this guy
what a dumbass
OMFG… sigh. Too many of these stories lately. Feels like there’s a dude making blogs, hoping to ‘get’ someone, and instead being rightly told what a dumb, abusive asshat he is.
I am pretty confident it’s a lot more than just one dude. First, because where there are dudes, there are dudes like this. And second, well…
Think about the kind of loser who would follow PUAs.
It’s likely that someone who follows PUAs would hear about NLP.
It’d be pretty easy for someone looking for info on NLP and sex to stumble onto our little community.
How would the kind of loser who follows PUAs react on discovering women into hypno kink?