No jobs for nazis!
He might be able to sue the school for wrongful termination, since they terminated his employment based solely on his political beliefs. I’m not sure if he can legally be dismissed for actions he took under an alias outside of the school day, would probably be up to judges.
Also, please stop calling everyone who disagrees with you politically a Nazi. It’s turned the term from an insult into a buzzword.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
We’re talking about a literal white supremacist here, the director of a fascist organization associated with Richard fucking Spencer.
This is a literal Nazi. Not an insult, not a buzzword, an actual white supremacist fascist. The only person here I see diluting the meaning of the term “Nazi” is you, since you have looked at someone calling a Nazi a Nazi and described it as “calling everyone who disagrees with you politically a Nazi.”
I don’t call everyone who disagrees with me politically a Nazi. Just actual fucking Nazis. You, for example, I will not call a Nazi. Just a Nazi-defending piece of shit.
(As for Conte? He’s a Nazi and therefore belongs as far away from children as possible. And all other humans, for that matter. I do not understand how this is controversial.)
I probably misworded my post – I wasn’t saying that this piece of shit isn’t a Nazi. I was saying that a lot of people seem to jump from “This person disagrees with me” to “This person is a Nazi” far too easily.
Maybe save complaining about that for a post where people are actually doing it? They’re not hard to find–just do a search for “feminazi.”