Just a little something that I thought up off of a weird Discord discussion a few nights ago, that I am eventually going to do to someone and they’re going to be so annoyed at me for while I die laughing.
Hypno tautologies!
”When you hear me snap my fingers, you will hear a loud finger snap.”
“Whenever you go into trance, you will go into trance.” (Ok actually that one could be evilly recursive if it hits off itself.)I’m sure you get the idea by now. XD
I like this very much!
Eee I’m pretty sure I’ve heard @tennfan2 talking about this? “The longer you listen to my voice, the longer you will have been listening to my voice.” And of course, “The first thing you need to know about trance is the first thing you need to know about trance…”
“Whenever you go into trance, you will go into trance” really
fucks with my head because i imagine it being recursive and oh lord does that do things to me
Yeah, this… this i good stuff.