The girls of the Delta Epsilon Sorority all used to be nerdy Chemistry students, until they developed a fast acting chemical that transformed anyone who came into contact with it into a gorgeous slut. Now they retained all their intelligence, but it was married to bitchy attitudes and sexy bodies that craved pleasure and power.
Like all good scientists, they continued to experiment and run tests – only now that they were self-serving unethical bitches, they had chosen to perform live experiments. They were currently working on improving their fast acting slut formula and had created a version that could be added to their lipgloss so that anyone they kissed would be transformed.
“It only works for one hour, so find some guy or girl and snog them till they become one of us,” muttered Samantha their leader. “Observe the effects and then bring the new girl to join the fold. We could use some new blood in here anyway.”
Twenty minutes later as he sat in the bar, Jay knew that he was supposed to be concentrating on his what his girlfriend was telling him about her day at work, but he couldn’t stop staring at the gorgeous sorority girls in the corner instead. When Sarah went to the toilet, one of them came over.
“We saw you looking at us,” she giggled. “Maybe you’d like to hang out?”
Jay gasped as the girl suddenly leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. He wanted to protest, but it felt so good and her sexy pierced tongue was in his mouth. He was kissing an eighteen year old slut and it felt so amazing. His entire body tingled and his head span.
“Come with me,” laughed the girl leading the dazed boy by his hand over to the group of girls. Something felt weird, his clothes didn’t fit and it was suddenly really hard to think straight. They made him take off his jacket, leaving his wallet, phone and keys.
“You won’t need those again ‘Jayden’,” laughed the girl. “My name is Ashley and I’m your new bff and sponsor to our sorority. We need to get you some new clothes and stuff. Your old life is over and you’ll soon forget all about it. Come with me to our sorority house.”
By the time they got to the sorority house, Jay was feverish. The lipstick on his mouth had done its job and as the girls tore away his remaining boy clothing he was led into the bathroom. Jay’s masculine body had already lost height and weight. His hair was longer and his face more feminine. The drug had only taken 20 minutes so far and his transformation was nearly complete.
In the bathroom Jay sat dizzy and feverish in the shower, until he began to feel normal again. Then picking himself up he walked to the mirror and looked at the sexy blonde girl staring back at him.
“Ja… Jay… Jayden, is that my name?” she cooed dizzily, feeling weird and no longer sure of who she was and where she was. Seeing a pile of sexy black sorority lingerie, she clambered into it – enjoying the sensation of the tight sexy clothing on her body. “Strange, I have a pussy now… didn’t I use to be a boy,” she dreamily sighed. “Where’s Sarah my girlfriend, something isn’t right here.”
Opening the door Ashley and the other girls walked in. “Looks like our new serum works on the physical changes well, but it needs more strength for the complete mental changes. We better give her a bigger dose.”
Grabbing Jayden and pulling her close, Ashley kissed her deeply and felt the girl melt in her arms. “That’s it bitch, you’re a slut now… a hot, giggling, eighteen year old slut. We’ll give you a new identity… a new life… even a new boyfriend. You’re Jayden now.”
Jayden felt her memories of Sarah and her male life fading away completely. It felt so good to become part of the sorority. “Yesssss,” she purred giving in and accepting her place as a horny blonde bitch.
Ashley smiled. “Mmmmh, time for some real fun and to show you what your new body is capable of… get the sex toys.”
It was just over an hour ago that Jay had been sitting in a bar with his girlfriend. Now he was a giggling horny bitch with a dildo deep in his pussy getting fucked by his sorority house mate. A lot sure can change in an hour.