
“Smart girls,” he said, “are the most suggestible and the easiest to hypnotize.”

I laughed and and took that note down trying not to roll my eyes. This was my first assignment for the paper, after having been freelance for two years I was finally on staff and that meant a steady paycheck, even if I was getting the crappy assignments like interviewing the stage hypnotist that was performing at the local night club for the week.

The bar was closed and we were sat on the stage, me scribbling notes in my pad with an old school pencil and paper and him talking endlessly about how great hypnosis was. I had asked who made the best subjects, and he decided to try to flatter me probably thinking it would get him a better writeup in the paper and sell more tickets.

“No seriously, smart girls like yourself are very easy to hypnotize. First off as women society trains you to accept the orders of men, even if you are the most feminist woman there is on some level you’ve been conditioned to expect to be given orders from males. Admit it, you feel more natural and comfortable with a male boss than a female one,” he said.

I thought about it for a moment, then conceded the point. Even in crappy customer service jobs I’d always felt better with a male boss. It did feel more natural taking orders from a man, and I knew that was wrong and that society had trained me to be that way. I had to work against that when working for women.

He held up one finger, his thumb, showing that he had given me one particularly good reason. Before I had a chance to ask him about the intelligence part he continued. 

“Smart people in general are easier to hypnotize. You have more active imaginations, and are able to visualize mental images better. I can say that you are feeling very sleepy, and very heavy, and your body can imagine what that feels like and actually translate it into those sensations. Further more you can focus better on what I’m saying, your attention span is longer and you’re able to focus on my words better and as I say things like you’re getting more and more tired with each breath, your mind is powerful enough to make that happen. And each breath takes you deeper now,” he explained holding up his next finger to count off two. However instead of the finger next to his thumb he held out his middle finger. 

I looked at the two fingers, his middle and his thumb, his two reasons why I was incredibly easy to hypnotize. I took a few breaths, feeling my body growing heavy and watched as he put the two fingers together and snapped. The sound was loud and followed by a simple word, “Sleep.”

I felt the pencil and notebook fall from my hands as my eyes shut and my head fell forward. I felt myself falling forwards, slumping in the chair as i listened to his talk more about how relaxing it was to let go and how good it felt to stop thinking that even smart girls needed to stop thinking and obey a strong male.

After two years of trying to get a full time gig with the newspaper I quit after only a few weeks. It was too hard struggling for stories in a dying industry. I’m much happier now as the stage assistant to a traveling hypnotist. He puts on a good show, I hope you’ll come and see it one day. 

And maybe one day he’ll finally explain to me his weird theory about why smart girls like me are the easiest to hypnotize. For now though I need to remove all of my clothes and help him prepare for the next show by sucking his cock.