Sammie Sims had no superpowers, but the spunky sidekick considered herself a full-fledged member of the Libido League.
She should not have been surprised to be captured by a supervillain. It happened to the heroines of the League all the time.
After three days of the Domintor’s brainwashing techniques, Sammie still snarled and cursed his name.
After ten days, she refused the most outlandish of his requests.
After twenty days, Sammie hesitated when the Dominator asked her to betray the League’s secrets.
After thirty days of the Dominator’s tender care, Sammie waited patiently, quietly, submissively for her Master to use her against the Libido League.
She had no superpowers, but her Master had given her the greatest power of all: the power of submission.
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