(Originally posted as a $3/story exclusive to my Patreon on December 22,
2016. Check out the link for dozens of early-access photo captions and

1: Hmm, Mark was right, this song is really good. Really relaxing.

2: Mmm… so relaxing… so good to relax… obey… obedience is pleasure…

3: Wait. Why did I just think that? Is this song–

4: Agggh! Hurts! Hurts to think! What is this doing–

5: Agghh! Have to–the headphones are–have to take–

6: The pain! Can’t stand it, can’t think, hurts too much…

7: Hurts to think… don’t think…

8: Relax… don’t think… Relax…

9: Relax… relax… so good to relax… no more thoughts… no more pain…

10: Relax… obey… obedience is pleasure…

11: So hot to give in… obedience is pleasure… so good… oooohhhh… surrender..? Surrender is…

12: Surrender is… surrender… ohh… ohh yes… yesss! Surrender, I surrender, surrender and be programmed, pleasure, surrender, obey, relax, pleasure, pleasure, pleasuuurrre..!

After an hour, she slowly removed the headphones. They weren’t needed anymore. It no longer hurt to think; it felt good now that she was programmed, because every thought was one her master put there. Every thought was an act of obedience, and obedience was pleasure.

She looked up at her master, and smiled, and awaited his command.

Picture removed as I was unable to source it. It was a series of images of a woman in headphones making a variety of facial expressions.