I asked one of my best friends (who knows about the convention and my interests) to help me pick out outfits and possibly go shopping for sexy things and hypnosis-y stuff for Entranced and she got so excited and said, “Oh! We need to get you a cape! Most hypnotists wear capes, right?” And it was sooo cute and adorably supportive omg.
She also thinks all we do are finger wiggles and “OoooOOOoooohs” to trance people and at the slightest mention of hypnosis she immediately looks at me and wiggles her eyebrows. As nervous as I was to tell people about it, it’s kinda cool having a couple vanilla friends know. Even if she’s a complete dork about it.
In other news, only about 4 more weeks until Entranced!
Most hypnotists wear capes, right?
Aah so cute!
@askjeeveshypno You see? We were right that You needed to buy that cape!