hiya anon,
you seem kind of hyper. which is really what you don’t wanna be around knives.
chill, mkay? 🙂
so, if i were to guess, you might be seeing the same gifs i always do. a knife dragging along the inside of a thigh, or cutting a pair of panties off. not really touching the body but sort of just, like…threatening?
cause i get that. to me, that’s fear play, less than it is knife play. and fear play, or certain facets of it, happens to be one of my biggest kinks. and i haven’t even realized the majority of what falls under that yet.
the reason i’m suggesting that it might be the “fear” aspect of it that’s turning you on is because you’ve stressed that it makes you scared and “terrified”. there’s lots of things you can google about fear play and the psychology of it in bdsm, if you’re so inclined.
but if it’s the knives you’re definitely interested in, i know i have a few followers who are into that specifically, along with blood stuff. that’s way the hell outside of my personal wheelhouse, but if anyone this resonates with wants to chime in with responsible advice for the anon, please do. thank you 🙂
You can also see about getting a dull knife to play with, if it’s more the sensation thing.
And I so relate to this feel. I went from having knives as a trauma trigger to them being a hot button (at least in some contexts), so if you want to talk it out some feel free to reach out.
I thought knife play would be a more intense version of scratching. It actually felt like a *less* intense version of scratching. So I’ve stuck with scratching. But all my favorite things to be scratched with are basically examples of what Daja’s talking about: points that are pointy enough to feel but not sharp enough to pierce skin. Shrimp de-veiner is nice and you can get one cheap off Amazon; also these claw gloves Mistress has, those are my favorite.