So I just realized I have several old commissioned captions I was
supposed to make public and never did. So I’ll be posting them over the
next few days. Enjoy!
Commission for GJT based on pictures and outline they provided. Commission your own captions via my Patreon!

Melody squirmed in her seat. She was supposed to be the
lifeguard on duty, watching the swimmers at the public pool… but everything
was different since she met… him.
She still didn’t know his name, or exactly what he’d done.
She’d seen him around the pool a few times this summer, but earlier today, he
had been the only other person at the pool, and come up to speak to her. She
couldn’t remember exactly what he’d said–just that it was very important, but
also that it was entirely okay that she’d forgotten the details.
Which was fine, except… now the pool was busier, and she
needed to pay attention. But the late-afternoon sun sparkled on the water,
creating a shimmering, dancing gold that seemed to slip through her eyes and
right into her brain, warm and wet as it dripped slowly down through her,
filling her with good warm wet feelings, making her feel so hot, so good, so
The pool was busy. The usual late-afternoon crowd: a handful
of elderly people doing calisthenics in the water, adults getting in some
relaxation and exercise after work, neighborhood children. She had to stay, had
to watch them, no matter how distracting and interesting the sparkles were…
no matter how horny she got… how badly she wanted to touch herself.
She couldn’t! She’d be fired, banned for life, maybe even
arrested. Not to mention utterly humiliated!
She wanted too very badly, and the warm wet light called to
her eyes, pulled them to itself, filled her with its warmth and its wetness,
dripped-dripped-dripped from her brain, down her spine, into her pussy, her
desperate pussy aching so badly to be touched…
She wasn’t going to do that. Wasn’t going to give in. Wasn’t
going to surrender to the light… the pleasure… the feeling…
Slowly, as if in a dream, she pulled her swimsuit bottom
aside. Slowly, she began to rub. Distantly she heard shrieks of laughter,
shouts of outrage… but it was so hard to care when the light felt so good.
I hope this pleases him, she thought, and somehow
knew that it did.
Model: Melody Wylde
Source: Melody – Adventures on Location