
The column of light snapped on, beaming down onto Ali’s face and bathing her head in a bright blue glow. She stared straight up into the beam, her eyes completely unseeing as the radiance flowed up her optic nerve into her brain, its energy pulsing from one neuron to the next at exactly the right frequency to counteract her own brainwaves. Before she knew it, her frontal lobe went completely numb, and her conscious mind subsided into blankness.She didn’t remember any of the other times this happened. She didn’t know she was following a suggestion when she came to this room and lay down on the table. She didn’t think at all.

The voice spoke to her from speakers on either side of her ear, completely calm and devoid of inflection. “Pull down your top,” it said. It was a test suggestion, designed to calibrate depth of control; very few women would simply expose their breasts for anyone that happened to be watching, but Ali’s hands moved automatically to yank down her top and let her heavy tits spring out. Her arms returned to their sides and she continued to lie on the table, stiff and straight as a mannequin. Watching the light. Waiting for instructions.

They were not long in coming. “You are doing very well, Ali,” the voice said. “You can continue to feel proud of yourself for remembering the things you have been programmed to remember and forgetting the things you have been programmed to forget. You will continue to return to us every week at this time to reinforce your programming. You will not remember coming to this building. You will not remember this room. The gaps in your memory are inconsequential, a sign that you were simply doing something too dull to be worth recalling. Only your slave self needs to remember.”

The voice continued, its measured tones pouring instructions into Ali’s ears that she had absolutely no way of resisting. Her mind was as still and calm as a pond on a clear day. Not even a ripple of thought disturbed her placid obedience. “Your slave self remembers everything that needs to be remembered, Ali. Your slave self will tell you what to think, what to do, what to recall. You are a slave to your slave self, Ali, and your slave self is a slave to us. This makes you a slave to us as well, but you do not need to remember that. Not when your slave self can think it for you.”

Ali’s breath came slowly and evenly as the light poured into her brain. She could feel pleasure, intense pleasure as the light stimulated her hypothalmus and sent waves of increasing arousal through her whole body, but she didn’t have the mental capacity to process the sensations. Her motor cortex was subdued by the same radiance. The arousal simply existed, divorced from anything in her mind that could give it external form, and she couldn’t remember anything of the process afterward. Her programmers didn’t even know about this particular side effect, and neither did Ali, but she always woke up from these sessions horny as hell.

“You will keep your phone with you at all times. When you get a text from a contact labeled ‘Programmer’, you will not consciously notice its existence. You will delete it immediately, and you will not realize you received any message at all. But your slave self will prompt you to follow its instructions as soon as you are able to do so without drawing attention to yourself. All commands from the programmers are to be obeyed. You cannot resist your commands. You are a slave within a slave, obedient to your slave self who is in turn unthinkingly obedient to us. You obey. Always. Acknowledge and accept.”

Ali gave a tiny nod, the only visible sign of her complete devotion to her controllers. It was all they needed. The beam snapped off, and Ali pulled up her top and left. She would never remember her time under the light… but she would obey. Always.

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