
“Wait here.”

She sank into the chair, and immediately her self-conditioning took control. It didn’t matter where she was. It didn’t matter who else was there. All that mattered was that she continued to be erased.

“Blank is best … blank is best … blank is best …”

“The blanker I am on the outside, the better it feels on the inside … the blanker I am on the outside, the better it feels on the inside … the blanker I am on the outside, the better it feels on the inside …”

Time had long ago ceased to have any meaning. Two minutes or two hours, it didn’t matter. She would continue until told otherwise.


There was no visible reaction to the trigger – no break at all as she continued to chant out her mantras in a totally monotone voice – even as her mind shattered into a million multicoloured splinters.

Not too long now until this became her natural state.