
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em

Even though Sable couldn’t raise a fist against the Mesmerizer, she wasn’t beaten. At least, that’s what the superheroine told herself.

Even though the Mesmerizer had somehow gotten Sable out of her costume, she wasn’t beaten. At least, that’s what she needed to believe.

Even though Sable’s hand pinched her tender nipple at the Mesmerizer’s command, she wasn’t beaten. At least, that’s what she hoped was true.

No, as long as she didn’t kiss the Mesmerizer, Sable wouldn’t be beaten.

And then she felt soft, firm fingers holding her chin. Warm, wet lips covered her own. And Sable’s mind burst at the sensation.

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Sable stars in the Libido League stories
“Savior Seduced” available on Smashwords
and Amazon
and “Friend Fatale” available on Smashwords
and Amazon.