“You’re coming with me, Venus de Milo,” Lodestone said as she burst through the steel door of the fortified penthouse the supervillainess had been “given” by one of her many thralls. Very little could stand in the way of the Mighty Magnetic Maiden.
With a sensuous motion, Venus propped herself onto one elbow. “It’s a pleasure to meet the great Lodestone! Let me show you just what you’re in for.”
Raising the sheet, Venus de Milo revealed the most beautiful, most perfect, most delectable, most commanding, most entrancing, most worship-worthy body that Lodestone had ever seen.
The Magnetic Maiden licked her lips as one sublime nipple peaked out behind a curtain of hair. She felt her pussy moisten as she caught sight of the divine triangle of pubic hair emerge into view.
Venus de Milo grinned gleefully at the slack-jawed heroine. “Why don’t you join me in bed, Lodestone? There’s no doubt that you’ll be cumming with me.”