“Your spell may give you control over my body, Wizardess, but my mind is shielded from your foul magicks.” said Captain Alpha as she knelt at the feet of the supervillainess.
“Oh, I know all about the mental shield Doctor Q put in place after our last encounter. It can only be dispelled by you, voluntarily.”
“Precisely. Your magick will never defeat me again, Wizardess,” replied Captain Alpha.
“You’re right,” Wizardess grinned. “That’s why I acquired a little something more. I believe you’re familiar with the Cosmic Orgasmatron? The last remnant of the sex tech of your home planet, if I understand correctly?”
Captain Alpha stared fearfully at the smooth Quimtonian curves of the device on the floor. “You can’t do this, Wizardess! The Orgasmatron is dangerous! It was banished from Quimton for a reason! it could–”
“Shut up and mount it!” Wizardess snapped.
Helpless against the spell controlling her body, Captain Alpha threw her thigh across the Orgasmatron. Immediately, she was drowning in pleasure deeper, richer, more seductive than any she had ever known. She moaned deep and loud.
“Now, my dear Captain, I have set the Orgasmatron for denial mode. It will bring you to the cusp of release, and keep you on the edge until you voluntarily renounce your protection spell!”
Her mind might be safe from magick for the moment, but Captain Alpha didn’t know how much of a mind she would have left after her body had become a pleasure-weapon in the hand of her enemy.
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longer fiction?The first meeting of Wizardess and Captain Alpha is described in Libido League #7, “Sexual Self,”
available now at Smashwords
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