
Platinum Panther’s
pussy was just getting lubed up when the door opened. The
superheroine couldn’t say exactly why she it was so important to
strip naked, spread her legs, and jill off right now,
but she had never been more certain of anything. And the last thing
she needed was to be interrupted just when her juices started

you mind?”
she said over the pulsing sound that had started as soon as she
entered the room. Something about the tone resonated so deeply within
her that Platinum Panther had all but forgotten about the noise

don’t mind at all,” said Terence Tartarus as he approached the
naked superheroine. “I had no idea there was such a hot slut hiding
under that armor of yours!”

Panther clamped her hands over her breasts. She tried to close her
legs, but something about the tone told her it was more important to
keep them spread, to keep herself ready for touch.

should cart you off to prison just for that smug look on your face,
Tartarus!” she snapped. “You’re lucky I have more important
things to attend to right now. So get out of here and please let the
door hit you on the way out.”

supervillain-businessman laughed. “What could be more important
than justice?”

about that echoing tone reminded Platinum Panther that it was
important to tell the truth. “Playing with my pussy,” she said,
scowling at his hungry eyes. “Something you know nothing about.”

a fast learner, Panther. Let me help you. After all, your hands
are stuck to your breasts
and you need to cum more
than anything.

Something in the tone of his voice resonated with the tone in the
room. His words had never been more important.

Tartarus, we haven’t always seen eye to eye,” she said, her voice
thick with desire. “But we both want the same thing. You want to
have sex with a superheroine. I want to cum. Let’s help each

Tartarus grinned, so happy with the effectiveness of the latest
subliminal hardware he had installed in this room. “Let the
negotiations begin!”

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