I always knew AfterEllen.com was cryptoTERF trash but looks like they’re really showing where they stand now.
I don’t know how long this has been in the works but the last week of their Twitter profile is enough:
As well as supporting meghan murphy they are really pushing the idea of trans women as male predators. Miranda Yardley is an English trans woman who repeats TERF talking points for them and was very well received for opposing updating the Gender Recognition Act in the UK. The reference to Stonewall UK also suggests that the new staff are completely in bed with English TERFs, who have links to US Evangelical funding.
Stop supporting After Ellen, the name has essentially been bought out to promote a fascist agenda which wants to remove all trans people from existence and then work on doing the same to the rest of the LGBT community (whether individual contributors admit it or not).
Yeah afterellen was bought out and no longer is an independant website. No surprise they’re terfs bc thats the kind of agenda straight men controlling lesbian websites love 2 push
Yah. Past AE peeps are NOT impressed with what’s happened, what with now being so openly transphobic, as well as literally erasing ALL work from authors who are trans-inclusive and all articles that spoke positively about trans people in any manner whatsoever.
Current AfterEllen staff is literally erasing the voices of all the women who came before them. And yet people still ask for proof of how TERFs hurt cis women. Well there you fucking go. A bunch of men and TERFs have decided that all of the cis women they disagree with don’t deserve to have a voice anymore than trans women do.
Thank you @ritualofthehabit and @hrefnatheravenqueen for elaborating!
Removing past articles is particularly cruel and damaging because as the writer in an above tweet pointed out, it can erase a huge body of their work. They might have their own digital or hard copies, but beyond being Orwellian it wipes out writing samples they can point to and can undermine their credentials when trying to cite their own work.