
Hannah sighed in ecstasy. She knew she should be resisting, telling her assailants to stop, to get dressed and get out of here, that her office hours were for helping students in trouble, not for lewd displays of lesbian sex.

Yet, under the ministrations of Holly and Mollie, twin sisters – two of her brightest students, no less – Hannah simply couldn’t help herself. The white noise, emanating from the strange device that the girls had placed on her office desk, didn’t help, either.

“Paul sent us here to seduce you, Hannah…” whispered Mollie, the young, nubile blonde kissing and licking her tutor’s neck as her hand snaked below Hannah’s waist and into her thighs.

“We weren’t attracted to girls before, but after Paul turned on the machine when we were meeting in his office, everything he said just seemed so wonderful and right…” purred Holly, the brunette, as she lifted her large breasts, smushing them into Hannah’s face.

“Paul is Master…” sighed Mollie, reaching over and turning a dial on the device.

It’s so loud….feels so good….can’t hold on much longer…. mused Hannah, already feasting herself upon Holly’s tits.

“Paul is All…” replied Holly, a far-away look in her eyes, as she stroked Hannah’s fiery red hair, both head and bush.

It didn’t take long until Hannah’s resistance had broken entirely. By the time Paul entered the esteemed Professor’s private study, Hannah was nude, legs spread, openly inviting her new Lord and Master to claim her.