Mistress Fixes Kitty

So I just realized I have several old commissioned captions I was
supposed to make public and never did. So I’ll be posting them over the
next few days. Enjoy!

Commission for @askjeeveshypno based on pictures and outline they provided. Commission your own captions via my Patreon!

Kitty was a rather limited slave. She looked great, she
served loyally, but she couldn’t really do much besides lay around looking
pretty. Oh, she could fuck, and well, but she wasn’t much of a

So her Mistress decided to fix that. During Kitty’s daily
brainwashing sessions, she began using text fixations, locking Kitty’s
attention onto a few words at first, then short passages, being sure to fill
Kitty with pleasure at the same time, of course. Instead of the pink fuzz she
normally filled Kitty’s mind with, she sharpened it, building paths for it to
work at, remember, interpret what Kitty read.

And it worked. Mistress left things lying around–magazines
at first, then books. When she wasn’t being called on to service her Mistress,
Kitty increasingly could be found reading intently. She was addicted–and she
was learning.

Three months later…

“I see where you’re coming from, Mistress,”
Kathryn said. “But I think ultimately the novel is about the impossibility
of sustaining true kindness in a culture of cruelty.”

“You make a solid point,” she said to her slave.
“Good Kitty.” And as Kathryn’s eyes glazed and her smile turned
vacuous, Mistress reflected how much better this was–a real conversation with
an intelligent woman who had interesting things to say, or an intense fuck with
a mindless, horny toy, all in one pretty little package.

(Credits apply to both images)

Model: Kate Upton

Photographer: Ellen von Unworth

Source: Guess 2011 Spring ad campaign

Image caption by brainstobimbos

So I just realized I have several old commissioned captions I was
supposed to make public and never did. So I’ll be posting them over the
next few days. Enjoy!

Commission for Jurodan based on pictures and outline they provided. Commission your own captions via my Patreon!

Three hours later…

Sam shuddered, moaned, and then pulled his cock out of
Tabitha’s mouth. She swallowed with a smile, then used one finger to pick up a
stray blob of cum from her cheek. Still smiling up at Sam, she slowly sucked it
off her finger.

Sam tucked his cock back into his jeans and collapsed back
onto the couch. “Okay, this is fucking awesome,” he said, to a chorus
of agreement from the rest of the group.

Tabitha, still kneeling in the middle of the floor, giggled.
Through the pink haze that now filled her thoughts, she was aware the boys were
happy, and making them happy made her happy.

“Too bad we’ve lost our DM,” said Kevin. “I
was looking forward to figuring out what Ser Lockholme was up to.”

“And we were about to level,” said Jim. “I was
finally going to get that last feat I needed for my new build!”

Aaron sighed. “Look, we can start a new campaign.”

“And who’ll run it, you?” asked Jim. “I’m not
going through another meatgrinder.”

“Better that than another boring hack-and-slash,”
Aaron countered. “Besides, we’ve all sampled her now. Would you really
have her go back to the way she was?”

They all considered a moment. The old Tabitha had been a
great DM, but other than that she was sarcastic, combative, and harsh. Not to
mention apple-shaped–one of the effects of the patch had been to move most of
the fat from her now-flat tummy to her previously-flat chest, butt, and hips.

“Well, no,” Jim admitted.

“It’s just too bad we can’t have both,” said

Sam looked up from the instruction sheet that had come with
the patch, which he’d been reading while the others argued. “I think maybe
we can…”

* * *

“Everyone roll Will saves,” Tabitha told the

They groaned and grumbled in response, but they dutifully
rolled their dice and reported the results to Tabitha.

“Okay,” she said. She consulted the notes she kept
carefully hidden behind the screen in front of her. “Jim, Roland is fine.
The rest of you are Dazed, but you can attempt another save on your next
turn.” She checked another note. “Jim, you’re up.”

Jim shook his d20 in his cupped hands. “I’m going to
try Smite Evil again,” he said.

“Oh come on,” said Aaron. “You didn’t hit on
a 16 last round! It’ll just dodge again.”

“I know that,” said Jim, “but Roland
doesn’t!” The others groaned. “He has faith!” Jim said
defensively. “Anyway, OOC knowledge is cheating.” He rolled.

“That’s a crit,” said Tabitha. “Okay, you
hit. Roll damage.”

“Ha!” Jim rolled out another handful of dice.
“Ye of little faith… whoa.”

“That’s, um… that’s a good roll,” said Kevin.

“Yeah,” said Tabitha. “The creature screams
and collapses, dead. The maiden tied to the altar tearfully thanks you for
saving her, and begs to be released.”

“Great!” said Aaron. “We free her and claim
our reward from the grateful maiden.” He grinned suggestively at Tabitha.
“How about we play that out, babe?”

“What?” Tabitha was shocked. “I’m not going

“LARP time, Tabitha,” said Aaron.

Tabitha’s words caught in her throat. Her eyes widened as
the delicious pink fog came flooding back in. It never went away completely, of
course. When she was crafting or running her campaigns, it retreated far enough
for her old skills, her old personality, to reassert themselves–but it still
covered any questions of what she did with the rest of her time, why she looked
so different now, or why she only ever wore lingerie or slutty cosplays

But when one of the boys said those magic words, it came
back completely. Her thoughts slowed and stopped as she drowned in happy, horny
bliss. She existed to entertain the boys, in all ways, at all times–but this
way of entertaining them was much easier and more fun.

“Well, you got the killing blow,” said Aaron.
“You get first dibs, Jim.”

Grinning, he took Tabitha by the hand and led her out of the
room. Not long after, the moans and giggles began.

“You’re a genius, man,” said Kevin.

Sam shrugged. “I just read the instructions.” The
Bimboozler™ instructions had explained that, for a few hours after initial
application, the level of Bimboozling™ was adjustable, and command phrases
could be installed to allow switching between different levels, so that the new
bimbo could still function out in the world if she needed to. The example the
instructions gave was installing a work mode she could use to go out and hold
down a job, but Sam had suggested something different: DM mode.

Jim soon returned, and the other three took their turns
fucking their toy. Finally Tabitha returned to the gaming table, breathless,
happy, naked, and cum-spattered.

The four others took their seats at the table, and then
Kevin said, “Back to the game, Tabitha.”

Her glazed eyes focused, her dazed smile turned back into a
slight frown of concentration. “Okay,” she said. “XP and
treasure time…”

(Originally posted as a $3/story exclusive to my Patreon on February 28, 2017. Check out the link for dozens of early-access photo captions and

Day 7: Mmmm… his lollipops are
so yummy… I guess it wouldn’t be too bad to let him feel me up a little, even
if he is a nerd… my grades ARE better since he started tutoring me, and he
DOES give me these yummy lollipops… mmm…

Day 12: Well… I guess I can let
him fuck me… he’s been really nice, helping my grades and giving me all these
lollipops, and he’s super-smart, and I’ve been SO horny lately…

Day 16: God, my boobs just keep
growing, and they’re SO sensitive… having them rub against my shirt all day
makes me SO hot… good thing he’s always there to fuck me, and so sweet that
he always gives me a lollipop after…

Day 20: I can’t believe I got an
A in math AND history! It’s all thanks to him… I owe him so much, but a
cheerleader can’t date a nerd… mmm, no way I could stop though, he’s such a
good fuck and I have no idea where he gets these lollipops from… I guess I’ll
just have to drop out of the squad!

Day 24: Oh wow, he was totally
right, that concert ROCKED. And I know he loves how the band t-shirt shows off
my puppies. It’s amazing how much I’ve changed for him… I can’t believe how
dull and dumb I used to be, though all that flexibility training does come in
handy now, heheh. But it’s like he’s molded me into… his perfect…
girlfriend… Oh God, he HAS, hasn’t he? He’s been changing me somehow, and…
and I don’t mind at all. I love the new me, and that’s probably his doing as
well. If only I knew how he was doing it… eh, whatever, I love the changes,
why worry? I’ll just have another lollipop and see what he wants to do
tonight… whatever it is, I know I’ll love it!

Day 45: Kelly’s still really
upset I left the squad. She just doesn’t get it. I can’t go back to how I used
to be! I’ve got way better future prospects as a smart, straight-As slave than
a dumb Cs-and-Ds cheerleader. Master said next time she gets on my case I
should just give her a lollipop. I don’t know what that’s supposed to
accomplish, but he’s the Master, so I guess I’ll try it.

Image 1:

Model: GagaAlienQueen 

Photographer: Darren Rowley

Image 2:

Model: Dairetto 

(Originally posted as a $2/story exclusive to my Patreon, September 22, 2016)

Mindy groaned, trying to fight it, but it just felt too good. With every
thrust of the geek’s cock, her mind exploded in pleasure, new thoughts
and feelings swirling through it, burning themselves into her brain,

She’d just been minding her own business, sunbathing on the quad, when she felt cloth hit her back. It felt… tingly, she remembered, and by the time she’d turned over and taken it in her hands she knew she wanted it touching as much of her skin as possible. It turned out to be a t-shirt, which she eagerly pulled on over her bikini top without reading what it said.

It had felt so good, she’d barely looked at the guy who led her away. She vaguely recognized him, though–some science nerd or something. Chemistry, maybe?

He thrust his full length deep into her, and then pulled back out almost all the way. She could feel her thoughts shifting, changing. She couldn’t  remember why she’d liked being a cheerleader so much, or what was so great about going clubbing. Big, musclebound hunks weren’t as interesting as someone smart, academically accomplished, and possessed of an encyclopedic knowledge of Battlestar Galactica. He thrust into her again, and her vocabulary changed, fashion terms and workout routines wiped away to make room for everything she needed to understand a journal article about organic chemistry.

“God…” moaned Melinda. “It’s like you’re fucking my brains in!” But it was more than that. He wasn’t just changing her intelligence, but her interests, her preferences, even her hair color was shifting from platinum blonde to red.

The last of her original bimbo self rallied, trying to focus on the pleasure of sex, enjoy one last time.

Then she came, and came, and came, and Mindy was gone forever.

Melinda smiled up at her lover, her maker, her master, her precious genius. “How about you explain to me how you figured out what compounds to dope the shirt with, and then I suck you off while you play WoW?”

Pictured: Natalie Lust

Source: Can We Work Something Out? (link is to purchase page for porn video)

(Continued from this post…)

A year later…

“I’m off to work, honey!” I told Ruby, dropping into her workroom to give her a kiss.

“Have a good day, Master! I’m working from home today… mmm…” She sighed happily as I caressed one of her massive breasts.

“Wearing my favorite shirt, I see.”

“Yes, Master,” she said breathily. “And it’s true. I’m yours. You created the woman I now am. Everything I do, everything I’ve become, comes from you. My career, my intelligence, my interests. You are my creator, my Master… my God.”

I glanced at the clock. There was a little time before I had to leave… “Then why don’t you get on your knees and worship?”

“Oh yes Master!” Ruby slid from her chair.

(Continued from this post)

“Well, what do you think, Master?” Ruby asked me.

“I think I need to thank your coworkers.”

Ruby’s coworkers had gotten her into anime, it seemed, and she was determined to drag me to a convention. I could have said no, of course–could have ordered her to never watch anime again, for that matter–but she promised I would like her cosplay. She managed to keep it secret until we reached the hotel, but once I finally saw it, I had to agree it was precisely to my liking.

My work, I realized, was done. Ruby had new interests, new job, friends I could have a conversation with. The vapid beauty I’d enslaved was gone; in her place was a geek goddess, one whose interests overlapped but didn’t exactly match mine. Someone who would sit in my lap while we introduced one another to our favorite shows.

Everything, in short, I ever wanted.

(To be continued)

(Continued from this post)

Weeks later, I came home to find Ruby perched on a cabinet, waiting for me. I looked her up and down appreciatively. “How’d your interview go?”

“It went well, Master. I think I got the job!”

“Good girl. Now why don’t you come over here to take some dictation…”

Things were changing quickly. Ruby had moved beyond the love of games I’d programmed into her, and started researching how to program them herself. While I was out, she’d been spending time on indie game dev forums, talking, making connections, learning. She’d impressed the head of a small studio nearby–a man who had never seen her, meaning for the first time in her life she’d impressed someone with her brain alone–and he’d offered her to come in and interview for a position.

I had no doubt she’d gotten the job. Ruby used to be very, very good at getting men to do what she wanted, until I taught her how much more she enjoyed doing what I wanted. And with her new, genuine skills on top of that? No question it was hers.

When I’d started all this, I’d imagined hours upon hours of watching old science fiction TV shows while Ruby sat in my lap, her tits in my hands while she watched with rapt attention and listened and talked to me about what we were seeing. I had that now. But I’d accidentally unlocked something more. Inside that sweet, curvy body was a woman, creative, intelligent, maybe even brilliant.

And best of all, she was all mine…

(To be continued…)

(Continued from this post)

I came home from a long day of work to find Ruby sprawled across the bed, so engrossed in a new game she didn’t even notice me coming in. I got onto the bed and squeezed her luscious ass.

“Mmmm…” she sighed, not looking away from the game. “Hi, Master!”

The programming had clearly taken total hold. She was, unquestionably, a gamer now. But was she simply doing what I’d programmed her to do, playing games because she was compelled to play? Or had I successfully changed her likes and interests, so that she was playing because she now wanted to play? Only one way to tell the difference.

“Drop the controller,” I ordered.

“Awwwww,” she sighed, but obeyed anyway.

“Now you and I are going to play a game,” I told her. “The rules are simple.” I leaned down over her, reaching around to cup her huge breasts through her top. I felt her shiver in bliss below me–I’d programmed her to feel immense pleasure and arousal when I played with her tits. “We’re going to play until I cum. You can cum as well–but if you do, no video games for 24 hours. If you don’t cum, you can game as much as you want.”

She rolled over in my arms and looked up at me in pleading silence while I ran my hands up under the waist of her loose top. “Please…” she whimpered. “I… I need to…” she trailed off, struggling to figure out what she wanted and needed.

Eventually, as I played with her, she admitted she wanted me to fuck her more than she wanted to game, but it took awhile. I’d clearly programmed her love of games far enough–any more and she might prioritize them above being fucked by me, and I wasn’t about to let that happen.

(To be continued…)

(Continued from this post)

“Oh, Master, thank you so much!” Ruby enthused. “It’s exactly what I wanted!”

“It” was a sophisticated multi-screen gaming rig, and more. Ruby’s interests had gone beyond mine at this point; she was devouring books on game design and programming, and starting her own simple games.

Suddenly she was talking about things *I* couldn’t understand, as an intellect she’d never needed or been encouraged to to use woke from years of sleep…

(To be continued…)

(Continued from this post)

It took days of forcing her to play the game for the first signs of change. It was subtle at first, but she soon showed increasing willingness to play, and then eagerness. She was less bored when I talked about other games, too, and even showed hints of interest when I rambled about some other nerdy topics.

Slowly, slowly she was changing to my liking…

(To be continued…)